Ross has been teaching school for over 21 years in Utah. He began as a first and third grade teacher and then moved into technology training. It was as a technology trainer that he was introduced to DJing. One day in the middle of an assembly, the principal called me over the mic in front of the whole school and told me to play him some music. After that unprepared event, I was prepared to play him music on cue. This is when my DJ hobby started and I played for school events, some dances, Halloween parades, and socials. Then I was asked to do a coworker’s wedding, and this hobby started to turn into a nice side job. Now, I enjoy helping people make their special day even better.
Ross got his undergrad from SUU in Elementary Education and his Master from the U of U in Instructional Design in Educational Technology. He is the father of 3 daughters and now has a mixed family with 7 kids.